Battles of Taraori
Battles of Taraori, (1191), series of engagements that opened all of north India to Muslim control. The battles were fought between Muʿizz al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Sām of Ghūr and Prithviraja III, the Chauhan (Chahamana) Rajput ruler of Ajmer and Delhi. The battlefield lay between Karnal, about 70 miles (110 km) north of Delhi, and Thanesar, in the Karnal region of the modern state of Haryana, India.
Muḥammad had taken Lahore from the last of the Ghaznavids in 1186 and wished to invade Hindu India. In 1191 he was defeated by a confederate Rajput host, led by Prithviraja and supported by Jai Chand of Kannauj and Banaras (now Varanasi). In 1192 he returned and defeated and killed Prithviraja, then unsupported by Jai Chand, on the same field. The Ghūrid cavalry tactics baffled the Rajputs until Muḥammad was able to crush the centre with his main force. This battle was decisive. Delhi was occupied in 1192–93, and the whole of north India fell into Muslim hands within 20 years.