Ida Tarbell
Ida Tarbell (born November 5, 1857, Erie county, Pennsylvania, U.S.—died January 6, 1944, Bridgeport, Connecticut) was an American journalist, lecturer, and chronicler of American industry best known for her classic The History of the Standard Oil Company (1904). She was among a group of so-called muckrakers who helped establish the field of investigative journalism.
Tarbell was educated at Allegheny College (Meadville, Pennsylvania) and taught briefly before becoming an editor for the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle (1883–91). In 1891 she took her savings and went to Paris, where she enrolled in the Sorbonne and supported herself by writing articles for American magazines. S.S. McClure, founder of McClure’s Magazine, hired her in 1894. The History of the Standard Oil Company, originally a serial that ran in McClure’s, is one of the most thorough accounts of the rise of a business monopoly and its use of unfair practices; her reporting contributed to the subsequent breakup of Standard Oil, which was found to be in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The articles also helped to define a growing trend of investigation, exposé, and crusading in liberal journals of the day, a technique that in 1906 U.S. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt labeled muckraking.
Tarbell’s association with McClure’s lasted until 1906. She wrote for American Magazine, which she also co-owned (with Lincoln Steffens and others) and coedited, from 1906 to 1915, the year the magazine was sold. She lectured for a time on the chautauqua circuit and wrote several popular biographies, including eight books on Abraham Lincoln. Later she served as a member of various government conferences and committees concerned with defense, industry, unemployment, and other issues. Her autobiography, All in the Day’s Work, was published in 1939.