Eugénio Tavares
Eugénio Tavares (born May 11, 1867, Brava Island, Cape Verde Islands—died Jan. 6, 1930, Brava Island) was a Cape Verdean poet who was one of the first Cape Verdeans to be published in the islands’ vernacular, Crioulo, a creolized Portuguese with African-language influences.
After struggling to get a basic education, Tavares went to New England in the United States to work, but he was soon discouraged and returned home and became a minor public official. His writing was heavily influenced by the islands’ folklore, and he wrote poetry both in classical Portuguese and in Crioulo. His first books—Amor Que Salva (“The Love That Saves”) and Mal de Amor: Coroa de Espinhos (“Love’s Sickness: The Crown of Thorns”)—were published in 1916. His most important book, however, was Mornas: Cantigas Crioulas (“Mornas: Creole Songs”), which was published posthumously in 1932.
The morna is a uniquely Cape Verdean art form of song and dance, likened by some to the Brazilian samba or the Caribbean beguine. Its origins have not been identified; they are African, Lusitanian, Arabic, or a mixture thereof. Tavares’ mornas deal with the power of true love, the sorrow of separation, and the sad, sweet longings for and memories of home. Influenced in style by the northeastern Brazilian regionalists and the Portuguese Presença groups, these mornas were the most serious poems to be written in Crioulo.