Trade Disputes Act
Trade Disputes Act, (1906), British legislation that provided trade unions with immunity from liability for damages arising from strike actions. The background to the statute was a series of adverse court decisions affecting the capacity of trade unions to strike, culminating in the Taff Vale judgment of 1901. That judgment established that unions were legal corporations and as such their funds were liable for damages arising from strikes. The decision was a potentially crippling one for the unions, and they embarked on a campaign to secure parliamentary legislation that would reverse it. The outcome of the 1906 general election served the unions’ interests well, since it established in office a relatively sympathetic Liberal government, and also gave the union-sponsored Labour Party a substantial presence in the new Parliament. In passing the Trade Disputes Act, the new Liberal government reversed the Taff Vale judgment and provided unions with complete immunity from liability for civil damages, thereby largely eliminating the jurisdiction of the courts with respect to labour disputes. The act also provided a degree of immunity to individual unionists and some legal protection for peaceful picketing. The Trade Disputes Act sustained a system of labour-employer relations in which the role of the law and the courts was kept to a minimum, and it was not repealed until 1971.