transfection, technique used to insert foreign nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) into a cell, typically with the intention of altering the properties of the cell. The introduction of nucleic acid from a different cell type can be accomplished using various biological, chemical, or physical methods. Transfection is employed in a variety of research fields, including microbiology and genetics. It is also of particular interest in the areas of cancer research, drug discovery, and development of methods to improve drug delivery to specific cells and tissues in the body.
Depending on the experimental conditions, transfection may be transient, such that the cell expresses the foreign genetic information only temporarily, without replication of the nucleic acid. In transient transfection, the effects within the cell last only a short amount of time. In other cases, transfection may be stable, resulting in the integration of the nucleic acid into the cellular genome (its full complement of genes). This approach allows the effects of the nucleic acid to be investigated over a long period of time.
Different methods can be used to achieve transient or stable transfection. Examples of physical methods used to facilitate nucleic acid delivery into cells include electroporation and microinjection. Chemical-based methods include the use of molecules such as cationic lipids or cationic polymers. In some instances, viral particles targeted to specific cells are used for nucleic acid delivery.
Historically, the term transfection referred specifically to cellular infection with viral nucleic acid from a bacteriophage (a bacteria-infecting virus). Through transfection, bacteriophages are able to produce new phage particles.