transformation, in biology, one of several processes by which genetic material in the form of “naked” deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is transferred between microbial cells. Its discovery and elucidation constitutes one of the significant cornerstones of molecular genetics. The term also refers to the change in an animal cell invaded by a tumour-inducing virus.
The study of transformation dates to the late 1920s, when an English physician, F. Griffith, discovered that pneumococcal cells (Streptococcus pneumoniae) could convert from a harmless form to a disease-causing type. He noticed that pneumococci may or may not have a capsular covering. Those cells with a capsule (forming smooth colonies) caused disease in mice; those lacking a capsule (and forming rough-surfaced colonies) were harmless. A mixture of living, nonencapsulated cells and heat-killed, capsulated cells, when inoculated into mice, caused disease. Living, encapsulated cells (pathogenic) were created by a “transforming principle” liberated from the dead cells to the living cells. The transformation was heritable. In 1943 a group of investigators at the Rockefeller Institute, New York City, identified that “transforming principle” as DNA.