Tyagaraja (born May 4, 1767, Madras Presidency [Tamil Nadu], India—died January 6, 1847, Madras Presidency [Tamil Nadu]) was an Indian composer of Carnatic songs of the genre kirtana, or kriti (devotional songs), and of ragas. He is the most prominent person in the history of southern Indian classical music, and he is venerated by contemporary Carnatic musicians. Tyagaraja is said to have composed the music and words of thousands of kriti. In concert life he remains dominant; rarely does a concert of southern Indian music omit his works. He spent much of his life at the court of Tanjore (now Thanjavur), where the official language was Telugu; thus, most of his songs have Telugu texts. He is considered the head of a group of three major composers who flourished at Tanjore in the early 19th century, the others being Muthuswami Dikshitar and Syama Sastri.
Most of Tyagaraja’s songs were in praise of Rama, who, like Krishna, is believed to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu. Tyagaraja became a devotee of Vaishnava at an early age and is regarded as an exponent of gana-marga—i.e., salvation through devotional music. The music of Tyagaraja’s songs is transmitted orally. He is credited with various musical innovations, including the use of a structured variation of musical lines within the performance, a practice that may have been derived from improvisatory techniques.