United Party
United Party (UP), one of the leading political parties of South Africa from its inception in 1934 until dissolution in 1977. It was the governing party from 1934 to 1948 and thereafter the official opposition party in Parliament.
The United Party was a product of the political crisis brought about by the Great Depression, which in South Africa led to the fusion of Jan Smut’s South African Party with J.B.M. Hertzog’s National Party in 1934. Hertzog’s hope was for a coalition of Afrikaners (who had dominated the National Party) and English-speaking South Africans (of the South African Party). Both components of the resulting United Party were in favour of white supremacy in South Africa, but divisions surfaced in 1939 over South Africa’s entry into World War II against Germany. Hertzog’s faction—with Nazi sympathies—broke away, leaving Smuts in control of the United Party, which adopted an increasingly pro-British stance.
After the war, the “liberalism” of Smuts and the United Party came under fierce attack from the National Party (during this time, using the name Re-united National Party), which won the general election of 1948. Although the United Party won a larger share of the vote, the National Party prevailed because of electoral delimitations (relating to the weight given to certain constituencies) and because the white electorate did not trust in the United Party’s ability to uphold white rule. The death of the party’s two main leaders, Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr in 1948 and Smuts in 1950, led to further weakness.
The United Party never recovered from the shock of its defeat in 1948. After 1950 the party failed to project a united front over the implementation of apartheid, the measures of which developed logically out of its own policies pursued in the 1930s and ’40s. Some of its right-wing members attacked the National Party-led government’s policy of creating “Homelands” (Bantustans) for black South Africans as being too “liberal.” In contrast, its left wing, horrified at the intransigent racism, broke away in 1959 and founded the Progressive Party. Further splits occurred in 1975, with some members joining the National Party and the Progressive Party (which became the Progressive Federal Party in 1977). On June 28, 1977, the United Party was formally disbanded, and its majority faction formed the “centrist” New Republic Party.