Alfonso de Valdés
Alfonso de Valdés (born 1490?, Cuenca, Spain—died October 3?, 1532, Vienna, Austria) was a humanist satirist, one of the most influential and cultured thinkers of the early 16th century in Spain, and the twin brother of Juan de Valdés.
Valdés may have studied at the University of Alcalá before joining the court of the emperor Charles V as a secretary and official Latinist. Valdés held important positions at the Diet of Worms, where he worked for reconciliation between Martin Luther and the church, and at the Diet of Regensburg. He was named to the post of archivist in Naples but died of the plague in Vienna before he could assume the position. His principal works are the Diálogo de Mercurio y Carón (“Dialogue of Mercury and Charon”) and the Diálogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma (c. 1529; “The Dialogue of What Happened at Rome”), which express his loyalty to the emperor and his devotion to the humanist ideals of Erasmus, whose disciple and correspondent he was. In both he justified imperial policy and criticized the foes of a purified religion.