Vancouver Aquarium
Vancouver Aquarium, aquarium located in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C., Can., that has the largest collection of fishes and marine invertebrates in Canada. The collection includes nearly 3,000 specimens of about 300 fish species and more than 3,500 representatives of approximately 150 different kinds of invertebrates. The aquarium’s specialty is marine fish species native to the eastern part of the North Pacific, i.e., off Canada’s western coast. The aquarium’s marine invertebrate collection is among the most outstanding in the world. One regional exhibit focuses on the giant octopus. Among the other comprehensive displays is one of starfishes from the Canadian coastal region. The aquarium also has an array of reptiles, amphibians, and marine mammals. Some of these mammals—e.g., the dolphins and the beluga and killer whales—have been trained to perform in an arena. The aquarium was established in 1956 and is administered by the Vancouver Aquarium Association.