vanga-shrike, any of the 15 species of Madagascan birds constituting the bird family Vangidae (order Passeriformes). The coral-billed nuthatch is sometimes included. They are 13 to 30 cm (5 to 12 inches) long, with wings and tails of moderate length. The hook-tipped bill is stout and of remarkably variable shape and length, much like the variability among Darwin’s finches, which are similarly isolated. Most species are glossy black or blue above and white below; some have white heads or have reddish brown or gray markings (sexes similar). They make cup nests in trees or brush. The hook-billed vanga-shrike (Vanga curvirostris) is a big-billed form that catches tree frogs and lizards. The smallest species is the red-tailed vanga-shrike, or tit-shrike (Calicalicus madagascariensis).