Friedrich von Hügel
Friedrich von Hügel (born May 5, 1852, Florence [Italy]—died January 27, 1925, London, England) was a Roman Catholic philosopher and author who was the forerunner of the realist revival in philosophy and the theological study of religious feeling.
Of Austrian descent, von Hügel inherited his father’s baronial title in 1870 but lived most of his life (1876–1925) in England, where he married a sister of the 13th earl of Pembroke and, at the outbreak of World War I, assumed British citizenship (1914). He customarily styled himself Baron von Hügel.
Von Hügel combined a deep faith in the Roman Catholic Church with tolerant views that won him friends among thinkers of many denominations. When the Modernist crisis broke out in the early 20th century, his close contacts with such Modernist leaders as Alfred Firmin Loisy and George Tyrrell led him to be classed with those who undermined the church. Although not a Modernist himself, he served as something like a broker for the movement, facilitating the exchange of ideas and offering moral support to his censured friends. Indeed, it was von Hügel who introduced Tyrrell to the works of the Continental Modernists and thus played a role in Tyrrell’s increasingly liberal theology. In fact, von Hügel fully accepted the papacy but thought the methods of church government suffered from overcentralization, which he hoped to counteract by the healthy interplay of energy between head and members. His correspondence and writings make clear his disapproval of revolt and his rejection of the Modernist theory of belief, and, unlike those of Loisy and Tyrrell, von Hügel’s own writings escaped censorship on the Vatican’s Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Forbidden Books).
As a religious scholar, von Hügel sought to interpret the relationships between theological dogma and history, Christ and humanity, free will and church control, and Roman Catholicism and contemporary scientific reasoning. In support of Roman Catholicism and the importance of mystical experience, he wrote The Mystical Element of Religion As Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and Her Friends (1908).