Vladimir Voinovich
Vladimir Voinovich (born September 26, 1932, Stalinabad, Tajikistan, U.S.S.R. [now Dushanbe, Tajikistan]—died July 27, 2018, Moscow, Russia) was a Russian writer and dissident known for his irreverent and perceptive satire that often ran afoul of Soviet authorities.
Voinovich’s father was a journalist who spent several years in a forced-labour camp, and his mother was a teacher. Vladimir served in the Soviet army from 1951 to 1955 and then attended the Moscow Pedagogical Institute (1957–59). He subsequently worked as a skilled labourer and then as an editor of radio programs. He wrote such well-received fiction as the short story “My zdes zhivyom” (1961; “We Live Here”) and the novellas Khochu byt chestnym (1963; “I Want to Be Honest”) and Dva tovarishcha (1964; “Two Comrades”), all of which concern pressures to conform to Soviet urban life.
In 1974, after publishing a letter in defense of dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Voinovich was expelled from the Writers’ Union of the U.S.S.R. and was forbidden to work as a professional writer. In 1980 he settled in West Germany, and over the next decade he was a visiting writer at Princeton University and the University of Southern California. His Soviet citizenship was revoked in 1981 but was restored in 1990. Soon thereafter Voinovich returned to Russia, though he continued to speak out about the country’s politics, notably becoming a vocal critic of Vladimir Putin.
Voinovich’s best-known work is the acclaimed underground novel Zhizn i neobychaynyye priklyucheniya soldata Ivana Chonkina (1975; The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin), about a naive and unsophisticated man who battles the Soviet bureaucracy. The pseudo-epic autobiographical Ivankiada: ili rasskaz o vselenii pisatelya Voynovicha v novuyu kvartiru (1976; The Ivankiad: The Tale of the Writer Voynovich’s Installation in His New Apartment) details his personal battles with the Soviet bureaucracy to obtain a two-room apartment.
Voinovich continued to write slyly humorous accounts of the vagaries of life under the Soviet system in works such as Pretendent na prestol: novye priklyucheniya soldata Ivana Chonkina (1979; Pretender to the Throne: The Further Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin), Anti Sovetsky Sovetsky Soyuz (1985; The Anti-Soviet Soviet Union), Moskva 2042 (1987; Moscow 2042), and Shapka (1988; The Fur Hat). He also penned additional novels about Ivan Chonkin as well as the critically acclaimed Monumentalnaya propaganda (2000; Monumental Propaganda), in which a widow moves a large statue of her idol, Joseph Stalin, into her apartment. Voinovich’s other works included film scripts, plays, and the biography Portret na fone mifa (2002; A Portrait on a Mythical Background), which was highly critical of Solzhenitsyn. In the mid-1990s Voinovich began painting.