Edward Gibbon Wakefield
Edward Gibbon Wakefield (born March 20, 1796, London, Eng.—died May 16, 1862, Wellington, N.Z.) was a British colonizer of South Australia and New Zealand and inspirer of the Durham Report (1839) on Canadian colonial policy.
In 1814 Wakefield became secretary to the British minister at Turin, Italy, and in 1816 he married. His wife died in 1820, and in 1826, while on the staff of the British embassy in Paris, he tricked a young heiress into marrying him. Wakefield was tried and convicted of abduction and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, and the marriage was dissolved by an act of Parliament. While confined in Newgate Prison, London, Wakefield saw firsthand the immense problems of the penal system and learned of the forcible removal of convicts to British overseas possessions, where squalid and often brutal conditions prevailed. He concluded that the controlled low-cost settlement of ordinary citizens (not convicts) in the colonies would best solve the problems of poverty and crime caused by the sharp increase in the British population. In his first important book, A Letter from Sydney . . . (published in 1829 while he was still in prison), which was thought by many to have come from Australia, he proposed the sale of crown lands there in small units at a “sufficient price” (fixed and modest), rather than the granting of large tracts free. The proceeds would pay for sending emigrants from Great Britain, who were to be equally divided by sex and to represent a cross-section of English society.
In 1831 regulations embodying the “sufficient price” concept were applied to New South Wales (originally settled by convicts) in Australia and to Cape Colony in southern Africa. Further, Wakefield’s anonymous England and America . . ., 2 vol. (1833), an elaboration of his theories, influenced the South Australian Act of 1834, which forbade the organization of South Australia as a convict settlement and incorporated the notion of the “sufficient price” for subsidizing immigration. The colony was founded Dec. 28, 1836.
Through Wakefield’s influence, the New Zealand Association was formed in 1837; it was amalgamated with two other groups in 1838 as the New Zealand Company. On Sept. 24, 1839, a party headed by his brother William Wakefield arrived in New Zealand to buy land from the native Maori. Legal and moral objections were raised, but the land company’s activities doubtless hastened the British annexation of New Zealand and may have forestalled a similar move by France.
Meanwhile, in 1838, Wakefield had spent five months in Canada as unofficial adviser to John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham, the governor general and lord high commissioner, whose chief secretary, Charles Buller, was an enthusiast for Wakefield’s ideas. Durham’s Report on the Affairs of British North America (submitted to Parliament on Jan. 31, 1839) advocated the union of Upper Canada (Ontario) and Lower Canada (Quebec) under a single legislature to which, as Wakefield had urged, the colonial Executive Council would be responsible. Wakefield’s encouragement and ideas influenced Durham in writing the report. In the new Canadian legislature Wakefield briefly represented Beauharnois, Que., and he planned the Beauharnois Canal on the St. Lawrence River.
Subsequently, Wakefield projected a Church of England settlement, Canterbury, on the South Island of New Zealand. Between 1847 and 1850, the bulk of the “Canterbury Pilgrims” emigrated there, and on Feb. 2, 1853, Wakefield himself reached New Zealand. He became a member of the General Assembly there, but lived in retirement following a breakdown in December 1854.