Wild Bunch
Wild Bunch, a collection of cowboy-outlaws who flourished in the 1880s and ’90s in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and surrounding states and territories. Their chief hideouts were Hole in the Wall, a nearly inaccessible grassy canyon and rocky retreat in north-central Wyoming; Brown’s Hole (now Brown’s Park), a hidden valley of the Green River, near the intersection of the borders of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah; Robbers’ Roost, a region of nearly impenetrable rugged canyons in east-central Utah; and the Wilson W.S. Ranch, near Alma, New Mexico. Each area had cabins and corrals, and rustled horses and cattle could be grazed at Hole in the Wall and Brown’s Hole.
On August 18, 1896, according to local Western lore (the truth of which cannot be determined), over 200 outlaws from regional gangs gathered at Brown’s Hole, where Butch Cassidy proposed to organize a Train Robbers’ Syndicate, which became familiarly known as the Wild Bunch. Cassidy and Kid Curry contested for leadership, with the more amiable and more efficiently larcenous Cassidy winning out.
However, the outlaws never constituted a single organized gang. They paired off or grouped for individual robberies of banks, trains, and paymasters and for rustling horses or cattle. Aside from Cassidy and Kid Curry, other notables in the Wild Bunch were Elzy Lay, Harry Longabaugh (the “Sundance Kid”), Ben (the “Tall Texan”) Kilpatrick, George Sutherland (“Flat Nose”) Curry, Will Carver, and O.C. (“Camilla”) Hanks. Soldiers, Pinkerton detectives, and lawmen eventually captured or killed most of the Wild Bunch in the late 1890s and the early 20th century. A few—including Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid—renewed their outlaw careers in South America.