Wood–Forbes Mission
Wood–Forbes Mission, (1921), fact-finding commission sent to the Philippines by newly elected U.S. president Warren Harding in March 1921, which concluded that Filipinos were not yet ready for independence from the United States.
In 1913 Woodrow Wilson had appointed the liberal Francis B. Harrison as governor general of the Philippines. Harrison was convinced that the best method of preparing Filipinos for independence was to give them as wide a latitude as possible in managing their internal affairs. Passage of the Jones Act in 1916, which announced the U.S. intention of granting Philippine independence, encouraged Harrison in his policy of replacing Americans in the Philippine civil service with Filipinos.
Republicans in the United States argued that Harrison’s policy of Filipinization was premature and that the takeover of jobs by Filipinos resulted only in a marked deterioration of services. To support this position, Harding sent out Gen. Leonard Wood and W. Cameron Forbes. The two reported in October 1921 that the islands were not prepared for independence and that many educated Filipinos wished to remain under American tutelage.
News of the Wood–Forbes report was received with anger in the Philippines. Wood, who served as governor general for the next six years, though an honest and efficient administrator, remained highly unpopular with Filipinos.