Yakan, ethnic group living primarily on Basilan Island but also on Sacol, Malanipa, and Tumalutab islands, all off the southern tip of the Zamboanga Peninsula, in the southern Philippines. Smaller groups of Yakan live elsewhere in the Philippines—particularly on the island of Mindanao—as well as in Sabah, East Malaysia. The Yakan speak an Austronesian language, written either in Malay Arabic or in Latin script, that is related to those of northern Borneo. In the Philippines, they are among the Muslim peoples collectively identified as Moro. In the early 21st century the Yakan population amounted to roughly 100,000 in the Philippines and 12,000 in Malaysia.
Unlike their seafaring neighbours to the southwest, in the central and southern segments of the Sulu Archipelago, the Yakan are mainly inland-dwelling agriculturalists. Rice is their principal food crop, and historically they were suppliers of rice to the Tausug, the Samal, and other coastal (or maritime) peoples of the region. Cassava (manioc) and sweet potatoes are also important. Additional food crops include corn (maize), eggplant, beans, and other vegetables, as well as fruits such as papayas, bananas, mangoes, and pineapples. Coconut palms are grown for commercial copra production.
For the most part, Yakan houses are scattered across the countryside rather than clustered into villages. They are inhabited by nuclear families, which join together to form small political units, or parishes, centred on the local mosque and headed by the imam (Muslim leader) and a council. Parish membership is totally voluntary, bound in no way by kinship. Yakan families have numerous social and kinship ties beyond their home parish.
After Philippine independence in the mid-20th century, many migrants—mostly Christians—from other parts of the country went to the Yakan territories and formally acquired rights to traditional Yakan lands. Coupled with religious differences, land-rights issues ultimately fueled serious conflict within the region. Consequently, many Yakan left the region to settle in other parts of the Philippines and in Malaysia.
Although the Yakan are decidedly Muslim, their practice of the religion is uniquely coloured with local tradition. Women and men, for instance, are not so starkly separated, and veils for women are uncommon. Aside from the imam, a shaman is often consulted to cure illnesses, and the presence of myriad spirits is widely acknowledged. Muslim holidays are celebrated, but another series of rites and celebrations follows the local agricultural cycle. Weddings, moreover, frequently take place twice: once according to Muslim practice, and once according to Yakan tradition.
Yakan women are especially recognized for their skill in weaving. Their colourful fabrics, featuring vibrant geometric patterns and designs inspired by the natural environment, have long figured in local rituals. More recently, they have been produced for sale in coastal markets. Yakan music is largely percussion dominated. Two types of xylophones are played in the rice fields, if not for personal entertainment, then to frighten pests or to entertain the ripening crop. Music of the tagunggu gong ensemble is popular at weddings and other festivities. The lead instrument in the ensemble is the kwintang, a row of horizontally suspended “pot gongs,” similar to the bonang of the Javanese gamelan of Indonesia. Tagunggu music may provide accompaniment for either male or female solo dances, and similarly, the instruments may be played either by men or by women.