yellow-green algae
yellow-green algae, (class Xanthophyceae), class of approximately 600 species of algae in the division Chromophyta, most of which inhabit fresh water. Yellow-green algae vary in form and size from single-celled organisms to small filamentous forms or simple colonies. They were once classified with the green algae (division Chlorophyta) on the basis of similarity of body organization. Molecular evidence, however, has led to a revision of that taxonomy; the group is likely closely related to the brown algae (class Phaeophyceae).
The Xanthophyceae are distinguished by their food reserve (oil), the quantity of β-carotene in their plastids, and motile cells with unequal flagella. Frequently their cell walls are two overlapping halves. The usual method of asexual reproduction is by motile zoospores or nonmotile resting aplanospores. Sexual reproduction is rare; the genus Vaucheria is an important exception.