Augustine Birrell
Augustine Birrell (born Jan. 19, 1850, Wavertree, Lancashire, Eng.—died Nov. 20, 1933, London) was a politician and man of letters whose policies, as British chief secretary for Ireland (1907–16), contributed to the Easter Rising of Irish nationalists in Dublin (1916).
A lawyer from 1875 and a Liberal member of the House of Commons (1889–99, 1906–18), Birrell became well known in British literary circles for two essay collections titled Obiter Dicta (1884–87). After serving as president of the Board of Education (1905–07), he reluctantly accepted appointment as chief secretary for Ireland. In 1908 he was successful in getting Parliament to create the National University of Ireland—with constituent colleges in Dublin, Cork, and Galway—and the independent Queen’s University Belfast. Although the new universities were legally nondenominational, under Birrell’s plan the Irish Roman Catholic bishops were permitted a considerable degree of supervision.
Throughout the crisis of 1912–14 over the third Home Rule Bill—which Ulster unionists opposed and from which they demanded their counties be exempted—the Liberal government relied upon Birrell to ensure the continued support of John Redmond’s Irish Parliamentary Party (commonly called the Irish Nationalist Party), upon which it was dependent for its parliamentary majority. But Birrell’s influence, like Redmond’s, declined when World War I caused the suspension of Home Rule. Despite the armed parading of republicans in Dublin, as well as their staging of mock attacks as rehearsals, Birrell seemed unable to sense any peril and was shocked by the rebellion of Easter 1916. He resigned amid general condemnation, which was tempered by respect for his frank avowal of responsibility.