intermediate technology
intermediate technology, simple and practical tools, basic machines, and engineering systems that economically disadvantaged farmers and other rural people can purchase or construct from resources that are available locally to improve their well-being. Designed to focus on people rather than machines, intermediate technology is considered to be more harmonious with the environment and with traditional ways of life.
German-born British economist E.F. Schumacher first conceived of the concept after a visit to Burma (now Myanmar) in 1955. He concluded that poor countries might realize progress in productivity by adopting advanced technologies but that those advances would do little to increase employment. What was needed, he maintained, was an intermediate technology adapted to the unique needs of each developing country. Moreover, he questioned the presumed necessity of ever-increasing growth, urging instead the development of a non-capital-intensive, non-energy-intensive society. In his book Small Is Beautiful (1973), he argued that capitalism brought higher living standards at the cost of deteriorating culture. His belief that natural resources should be conserved led him to conclude that bigness—in particular, large industries and large cities—would lead to the depletion of those resources.
Even though intermediate-technology solutions are generally associated with relatively basic devices often made out of old machine parts, cloth, or wood, more-advanced technologies—such as energy-efficient lightbulbs, solar-powered lightbulbs, or small adsorption pot-in-pot refrigerators—may also be used. Larger-scale, more-expensive solutions, such as modern industrial factories to press waste parts of banana plants and stalks of other harvested crops into fibreboard, may also be reasonable in some areas, since farmers whose stalks would otherwise have gone to waste could benefit by using the fibreboard.
Intermediate-technology solutions may also combine cutting-edge research with simple materials. For example, medical research into the spread of cholera led to the use of cloth filters made out of old articles of clothing to collect water. Those filters substantially reduce pathogens, which is useful in poor villages where disinfectants and fuel for boiling water are not readily available. At the other end of the technological spectrum, high-efficiency solar-powered light-emitting diode (LED) lights are used in remote areas of Nepal, replacing kerosene lamps or wood fires that emitted pollutants and posed a fire risk.
Although intermediate-technology tools developed in conjunction with local residents are generally popular, there have been cases in which they failed to win over villagers. For example, engineers with a nongovernmental organization (NGO), Compatible Technology International, attempted to improve the lives of Guatemalan women who laboured many hours to hand shell corn. The engineers produced a corn sheller that consisted of a piece of wood with a hole in the middle. By pushing a cob of corn through the hole, the women could shave off the kernels far more quickly. The women preferred, however, to continue hand shelling corn, explaining to the engineers that they valued the time spent with one another more than the increase in productivity that the corn sheller provided.