wild cashew
wild cashew, (Anacardium excelsum), tropical forest tree of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae), native to Central and South America. Wild cashew trees are characteristic of both secondary and old growth forests. As its name suggests, the wild cashew is closely related to the domesticated cashew (Anacardium occidentale). Strong and easily worked, the wood is an important source of timber and is commonly used by locals in the construction of dugout canoes.
The wild cashew grows to a height of more than 30 metres (100 feet) and bears leathery oval-shaped leaves. The singular nutlike seeds are each borne on a swollen stalk (hypocarp), somewhat similar to the way an acorn nut is attached to its “cap.” The hypocarp is a favourite food of various bats who, in the process of removing the hypocarp, disperse the seeds away from the parent plant. Parrots are also fond of the seeds and eat large numbers of them while the fruit is still on the trees. Although uneaten seeds fall to the ground and sprout below the parent tree in dense stands, most of these seedlings are attacked and killed by a suite of pathogens. Thus, seed dispersal away from the largely doomed population found under the tree appears to be extremely important for the successful establishment of seedlings.