boneset, (Eupatorium perfoliatum), North American plant in the aster family (Asteraceae). The plant is sometimes grown in rain gardens and attracts butterflies. Boneset tea is a folk remedy for fever, and traditionally the leaves were wrapped around broken bones to promote their healing.
Boneset is a coarse, rough, hairy perennial about 0.6 to 1.8 metres (2 to 6 feet) high that is common in wet places. Its lance-shaped, toothed, and wrinkled leaves are joined together at their bases around the stem. The plants bear small white disk flowers in numerous heads that form a flat and branched cluster. Seeds are borne in wind-dispersed achenes.
Several other related species are also known as bonesets, including rough boneset (Eupatorium pilosum) and upland boneset (E. sessilifolium), both native to North America.