borage, (Borago officinalis), an edible and ornamental plant with loose drooping clusters of starlike bright blue flowers, in the family Boraginaceae. Borage is native to the eastern Mediterranean region and is cultivated in various parts of Europe, Great Britain, and North America. The leaves and flowers are used in salads, and in Europe the leaves are cooked as a vegetable. Dried or fresh leaves are used to season stews and soups and to flavour wine cups and other drinks.
Borage is a hairy annual and can grow up to 60 cm (2 feet) tall. It features large rough oblong leaves that have a cool cucumber-like aroma and taste. The flowers are borne on red stalks and have five bright yellow stamens that form a cone. Borage flowers are attractive to bees and are sometimes grown as an ornamental herb for honeybee feeding.