Arnold Brecht
Arnold Brecht (born Jan. 26, 1884, Lübeck, Ger.—died Sept. 11, 1977, Eutin, W.Ger.) was an exiled German public servant, who became a prominent political scientist and made major contributions in the area of clarifying scientific theory.
After studying at several universities, Brecht received a law degree from the University of Leipzig in 1906 and, after in-service training, was appointed a judge in Lübeck in 1910. In the same year he began an administrative career in Berlin in the Ministry of Justice, where he served for more than seven years. He served briefly in the Ministry of Economics and then in October 1918 became a chancellery aide for three years. In 1921–27 he served as ministerial director and reformist head of the Division for Policy and Constitution in the Ministry of the Interior. Dismissed for political reasons in the spring of 1927, he was appointed one of the three chief delegates of Prussia to the federal Reichsrat and participated in unsuccessful efforts at German constitutional reorganization. Brecht was arrested in April 1933 by the National Socialist regime of Adolf Hitler but was soon released through the intervention of non-Nazi ministers. In November 1933 he sought refuge in the United States, where he had a distinguished academic career at the New School for Social Research in New York City until his retirement in 1954.
Brecht’s scholarly work focussed on developing the study of politics as a scientific discipline. In Political Theory (1959) he distinguished scientific from nonscientific theory. Brecht clarified the doctrine (known as standard value relativism) that ultimate values cannot be validated by science, since the value of particular goals and purposes cannot be set scientifically without knowing their relation to other goals and purposes.
Brecht also wrote prolifically on the institutional and constitutional problems of federalism and totalitarianism. Author of numerous articles, he wrote Prelude to Silence—The End of the German Republic (1944), Federalism and Regionalism in Germany (1945), The Political Philosophy of Arnold Brecht (1954), Political Theory—Foundations of Twentieth-Century Thought (1959), and The Political Education of Arnold Brecht (1970).