bugaku, repertoire of dances of the Japanese Imperial court, derived from traditional dance forms imported from China, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia. The dances comprise two basic forms: sahō no mai (“dances of the left”), accompanied by tōgaku (music derived mainly from Chinese forms); and uhō samai no mai (“dances of the right”), accompanied primarily by komagaku (music introduced from Korea). The two forms are also differentiated by the colour of the dancers’ richly embroidered costumes; sahō no mai costumes tend to be red, and uhō no mai to be blue or green.
Bugaku are of four genres: civil dances (also called even, or level, dances), warrior dances, running dances, and dances for children. All bugaku consist of highly conventionalized movements cued by the beat of a drum. Positions of arms, hands, and feet are highly stylized, and overall choreography consists of simple geometric patterns. An important element is the masks worn by the dancers (see photograph) . Bugaku masks sometimes have movable parts and have attenuated features intended to convey the characters of the fictional persons whom they represent. The masks called the “Twelve Deities” (1486; Tō Temple, Kyōto), carved by Buddhist sculptors, are among the oldest and best-known examples. A bugaku program usually begins with a selection performed by the head dancers of the two forms, followed by alternate dances from both repertoires.