bugloss, any plant of the genera Anchusa, Echium, and Pentaglottis of the family Boraginaceae. Bugloss plants are weedy and bristly with small flowers similar in appearance to those of forget-me-nots. The plants have hairy stems and toothed leaves with spiny margins. They grow in sandy places and fields throughout Europe and have become naturalized in eastern North America. Several are commonly grown as ornamentals.
Anchusa officinalis, known as common bugloss or true alkanet, is a narrow-leaved plant that grows 60 cm (2 feet) tall and bears purple flowers in coiled sprays. A. azurea, known as Italian bugloss or large blue alkanet, is a popular garden species. It reaches 120 cm (4 feet) and has narrow leaves and large bright-blue flowers with a tuft of white hairs in the throats.
Viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare), also known as blue devil or blue weed, has bright-blue flowers and grows to a height of about 90 cm (35 inches). It is a bristly European plant that has become naturalized in North America. Purple viper’s bugloss (E. plantagineum) is similar but is larger-flowered and shorter, with softer hair. It is a garden flower.
Oval pointed evergreen leaves and white-eyed blue flowers characterize the evergreen bugloss (Pentaglottis sempervirens), a perennial that reaches 1 metre (3.3 feet).