Bhaskara I
Bhaskara I (flourished c. 629, possibly Valabhi, near modern Bhavnagar, Saurashtra, India) was an Indian astronomer and mathematician who helped to disseminate the mathematical work of Aryabhata (born 476).
Little is known about the life of Bhaskara; I is appended to his name to distinguish him from a 12th-century Indian astronomer of the same name. In his writings there are clues to possible locations for his life, such as Valabhi, the capital of the Maitraka dynasty, and Ashmaka, a town in Andhra Pradesh and the location of a school of followers of Aryabhata. His fame rests on three treatises he composed on the works of Aryabhata. Two of these treatises, known today as Mahabhaskariya (“Great Book of Bhaskara”) and Laghubhaskariya (“Small Book of Bhaskara”), are astronomical works in verse, while Aryabhatiyabhashya (629) is a prose commentary on the Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata. Bhaskara’s works were particularly popular in South India.
Planetary longitudes, heliacal rising and setting of the planets, conjunctions among the planets and stars, solar and lunar eclipses, and the phases of the Moon are among the topics Bhaskara discusses in his astronomical treatises. He also includes a remarkably accurate approximation for the sine function: in modern notation, sin x = 4x(180 − x)/(40,500 − x(180 − x)), where x is in degrees.
In his commentary on the Aryabhatiya, Bhaskara explains in detail Aryabhata’s method of solving linear equations and provides a number of illustrative astronomical examples. Bhaskara particularly stressed the importance of proving mathematical rules rather than just relying on tradition or expediency. In supporting Aryabhata’s approximation to π, Bhaskara criticized the traditional use of Square root of√10 for it (common among Jain mathematicians).