Hermann Busenbaum
Hermann Busenbaum (born 1600, Nottuln, Westphalia [Germany]—died Jan. 31, 1668, Münster, Münster [Germany]) was a Jesuit moral theologian.
Busenbaum entered the Society of Jesus in 1619 and was later appointed rector of the colleges of Hildesheim and Münster. His celebrated book Medulla Theologiae Moralis, Facili ac Perspicua Methodo Resolvens Casus Conscientiae ex Variis Probatisque Authoribus Concinnata (1650; “The Heart of Moral Theology, an Easy and Perspicacious Method Resolving the Claims of Conscience Compiled from Various and Worthy Authors”) was published in more than 200 editions before 1776. This work constituted the basis of subsequent commentaries written by a number of eminent moral theologians and was used as a textbook in many seminaries.