bylina, traditional form of Old Russian and Russian heroic narrative poetry transmitted orally. The oldest byliny belong to a cycle dealing with the golden age of Kievan Rus in the 10th–12th century. They centre on the deeds of Prince Vladimir I and his court. One of the favourite heroes is the independent Cossack Ilya of Murom, who defended Kievan Rus from the Mongols. Although these ancient songs are no longer commonly known around Kiev, they were discovered in the 19th century in the repertoire of rural people living around Lake Onega in the remote northwestern regions of European Russia. They are also known in the far northeastern outposts of Siberia.
Other byliny, dealing with all periods of Ukrainian and Russian history, have been collected throughout the country. They may relate events from the reigns of Ivan the Terrible or Peter the Great or deal with the Cossack rebels Stenka Razin and Pugachov. A 20th-century bylina, the Tale of Lenin, converted the chief events of the Russian Revolution of 1917 into a formulaic hero tale. Taken together, byliny constitute a folk history in which facts and sympathies are often at variance with official history.
Byliny may have originated with professional court minstrels. With the spread of literacy, the art of composing and chanting byliny, like many oral traditions, has more or less died out.