Simon Caboche
Simon Caboche (flourished 15th century) was a French demagogic agitator whose raising of riots promoted an abortive reform of the royal administration.
A skinner by trade and a leader of the malcontent merchant guilds from 1407, Caboche, along with his followers, was taken under the patronage of John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy. The University of Paris joined this faction, which blamed King Charles VI’s officials for the corruption and the taxations of the time. Caboche himself led a mob that besieged and took the Bastille in April 1413. The next month Charles VI issued a major ordinance for administrative reform that became known as the Ordonnance Cabochienne, named for Caboche, which provided for the control of affairs by the deliberations of the political council, of the Parlement, or of the Chambre des Comptes and for the election of all administrative officials by one or another of those organs. Continued riots, however, caused the Parisian bourgeoisie to react against them and allowed Charles, duke d’Orléans, rival to the duke of Burgundy, to suppress the rioters. Charles eventually withdrew the ordinance because it was forced by violence, and the rioters were expelled. Caboche never regained his influence, though he returned to Paris with the Burgundians in 1418.