Ramón Cabrera
Ramón Cabrera (born Dec. 27, 1806, Tortosa, Spain—died May 24, 1877, Wentworth, Surrey, Eng.) was an influential Spanish Carlist general during the First and Second Carlist Wars (1833–39, 1846–49). Later he became one of the Carlist party’s most controversial figures.
As a child, Cabrera was sent to the seminary in Tortosa, where he was advised to become a soldier rather than a priest. After the death of Ferdinand VII in 1833, those who supported the claim to the throne of Ferdinand’s brother, Don Carlos, against that of Ferdinand’s daughter, Isabella II, rose in rebellion. Cabrera became a leading insurgent, taking part in Carlist conspiracies and soon dominating the Carlist bands in Catalonia. He inspired terror by his relentless cruelty, which rose to a climax after the liberals shot his mother in 1836.
Cabrera gained several notable victories, including that of Morella (1838), for which he earned the title of conde de Morella. Cabrera refused to recognize the Convention of Vergara (1839), which ended the war in the Basque provinces, but in 1840 he retreated with 10,000 soldiers over the French border. In exile, first in France and later in England, he objected to the “abdication” (1845) of Carlos in favour of his son, the conde de Montemolín. From 1848 to 1849 Cabrera again commanded Carlist troops in the mountains of Catalonia, but he was defeated and exiled again to France. In 1850 he married an English Protestant, Marianne Catherine Richards, and settled down in Virginia Water, on the outskirts of London. He gradually grew to advocate peaceful rather than military propagation of Carlist views. Cabrera was expelled from the Carlists by an assembly held at Vevey, Switz., in 1870, and he recognized the legitimist Spanish king, Alfonso XII, in 1875.