Tanaka Koichi
Tanaka Koichi (born August 3, 1959, Toyama City, Japan) is a Japanese scientist who, with John B. Fenn and Kurt Wüthrich, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2002 for developing techniques to identify and analyze proteins and other large biological molecules.
Tanaka received an engineering degree from Tohoku University in 1983. Later that year he joined Shimadzu Corporation, a maker of scientific and industrial instruments, and he remained there in various research capacities. In 2002 he was appointed fellow of the corporation, a position comparable to executive director.
Tanaka’s prizewinning work expanded the applications of mass spectrometry (MS), an analytic technique used in many fields of science since the early 20th century. MS can identify unknown compounds in minute samples of material, determine the amounts of known compounds, and help deduce molecular formulas of compounds. Scientists had long employed MS on small and medium-sized molecules, but they also hoped to one day use it to identify large molecules such as proteins. After the genetic code was deciphered and gene sequences were explored, the study of proteins and their interaction inside cells took on great importance.
In order to use MS, samples must be in the form of a gas of ions, or electrically charged molecules. Molecules such as proteins presented a problem because existing ionization techniques broke down their three-dimensional structure. Tanaka developed a way to convert samples of large molecules into gaseous form without such degradation. In the late 1980s Tanaka reported a method, called soft laser desorption, in which the sample, in solid or viscous form, is bombarded with a laser pulse. As molecules in the sample absorb the laser energy, they let go of each other (desorb) and form a cloud of ions suitable for MS. Tanaka’s soft laser desorption is a highly versatile technique and has proved particularly useful in the early detection of malaria and certain types of cancer.