Cambridge critics
Cambridge critics, group of critics who were a major influence in English literary studies from the mid-1920s and who established an intellectually rigorous school of critical standards in the field of literature. The leaders were I.A. Richards and F.R. Leavis of the University of Cambridge and Richards’ pupil William Empson. In the 1920s the University of Cambridge was distinguished in many fields; Ernest Rutherford’s scientific work in the Cavendish Laboratory, John Maynard Keynes’s economic theories, and, especially, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s ventures in philosophy, linguistic analysis, and semantics shaped the approach of the Cambridge critics to literature. C.K. Ogden, originator of Basic English, was associated with Richards in linguistic studies (The Meaning of Meaning, 1923) at Cambridge. These critics’ treatment of literature was based upon a close examination of the literary text, as exemplified in two seminal books by Richards, The Principles of Literary Criticism (1924) and Practical Criticism (1929), and upon the relation of literature to social issues as part of a larger criticism of life, treated by Leavis in such books as Culture and Environment (1933) and The Great Tradition (1948), a work on the English novel. Leavis’ quarterly Scrutiny (1932–53) was devoted to both aspects, and its contributors—among them L.C. Knights, Denys Thompson, and Leavis’ wife, Q.D. Leavis (Fiction and the Reading Public, 1932)—made notable contributions to criticism. William Empson’s Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930) and The Structure of Complex Words (1951) demonstrated the scope of criticism stemming from linguistic analysis. Cambridge criticism conformed to no special type, but its analytical bent, astringency, and disdain of merely appreciative writing sprang from its creators’ formidable training and interests in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and social sciences and from their immense reading in literature.