c, third letter of the alphabet, corresponding to Semitic gimel (which probably derived from an early sign for "camel") and Greek gamma (Γ). A rounded form occurs at Corinth and in the Chalcidic alphabet, and both an angular and a rounded form are found in the early Latin alphabet, as well as in Etruscan. The rounded form survived and became general, and the shape of the letter has since altered little.
Click Here to see full-size tableThe sound represented by the letter in Semitic and in Greek was the voiced velar stop, represented in English by the "hard" g. In the Latin alphabet it came to represent the unvoiced velar stop (indicated in English by k as well as c) and was for some time, it appears, used for both the voiced and unvoiced sounds. This change is in all probability due to the Etruscan alphabet from which the Latin alphabet was derived, for a phonemic distinction between voiced and voiceless stops apparently did not exist in the Etruscan language. An early Latin inscription exists in which the word RECEI (probably an early dative form of rex, "king") occurs, the letter C being still employed to represent the voiced sound. Finally a new symbol G was used for the voiced sound, and C displaced K as the representative of the unvoiced stop.
In modern English the letter represents two separate sounds: (1) the unvoiced velar stop as in the Latin alphabet and (2) the unvoiced sibilant, identical with the sound represented by s in certain positions. The letter represents the sibilant when followed by any of the front vowels, e, i, and y (e.g., in "receive," "cider," "cycle"), and in all other cases (except before h) the velar (e.g., "call," "come," "clear," "crumb," "epic"). This is due to the palatalization of the velar in early medieval times before the front vowel, the stages of sound change being k > ki > tš > ts > s. The letter c was applied by French orthographists in the 12th century to represent the sound ts in English, and this sound developed into the simpler sibilant s. Gradually the use of the letter c to represent the velar before front vowels (for example, in the Middle English cyng) gave way to that of k, ambiguity being thus as far as possible avoided. The c takes the place of s in words such as "mice” and "advice," in which s would represent a voiced sibilant (identical with the sound of z), and in words such as "practice" merely as a means of grammatical distinction.
Before k the letter is often redundant (e.g., in "thick," "clock," etc.). The combination ch represents an unvoiced palatal affricate (tš), as in "church," except that in words of Greek origin it generally has the sound of k—e.g., in "chorus."