front-loading, in U.S. politics, the moving up of presidential primaries and caucuses by states, thereby increasing their influence in the selection of a party’s candidate. As a result, presidential nominees are often determined early in the election year.
The Iowa caucuses are traditionally held first among the nomination contests, followed by New Hampshire. However, because of criticism that those states were unrepresentative of the country—both are overwhelmingly white—and exerted too much influence in the nomination process, several other states began to schedule their primaries earlier. In 1988, for example, 16 largely Southern states moved their primaries to a day in early March that became known as “Super Tuesday.” Such “front-loading” of primaries and caucuses continued during the 1990s, prompting Iowa and New Hampshire to schedule their contests even earlier, in January, and causing the Democratic Party to adopt rules to protect the privileged status of the two states.
By 2008 some 40 states had scheduled their primaries or caucuses for January or February; few primaries or caucuses were held in May or June. For the 2008 campaign, several states attempted to blunt the influence of Iowa and New Hampshire by moving their primaries and caucuses to January, forcing Iowa to hold its caucus on January 3 and New Hampshire its primary on January 8. Some states, however, scheduled primaries earlier than the calendar sanctioned by the Democratic and Republican National Committees, and, as a result, both parties either reduced or, in the case of the Democrats, stripped states violating party rules of their delegates to the national convention. Such penalties contributed to a slight decrease in front-loading in 2012. In addition, some states worried that a crowded calendar would result in their contest being overlooked. While there were subsequently minor changes to the schedule, the vast majority of primaries and caucuses continue to be held in the first four months of an election year.
As a result of the severely truncated campaign season, candidates are required to raise more money sooner, making it more difficult for lesser-known candidates to gain momentum by doing well in early primaries and caucuses.