UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission), United Nations inspection agency established in April 1991 in the wake of the Persian Gulf War to ensure the elimination of Iraq’s supposed ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction. The commission was to monitor the elimination of any discovered weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 km (93 miles), and related production facilities and thus conducted on-site inspections of Iraq’s biological, chemical, and missile capabilities. UNSCOM was also supposed to ensure that Iraq did not resume its efforts to acquire or produce such weapons. It also conducted nuclear weapons inspections in Iraq in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The 20 members of the commission held full sessions twice a year in New York City to discuss policy and to assess results of the inspections. UNSCOM’s executive chairman reported directly to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The first executive chairman of UNSCOM was Swedish ambassador Rolf Ekeus, and he was succeeded by Australian diplomat Richard Butler.
UNSCOM had an office in New York City, staffed by technical experts, analysts, and data processors, and another office in Bahrain, where inspection teams were trained. A third office in Baghdad provided communications support in the field. The commission’s operating costs (about $25 million–$30 million per year) were covered by frozen Iraqi assets, receipts from the oil-for-food program, and voluntary contributions from UN member states. UNSCOM inspection teams were staffed by 1,000 individuals from more than 40 countries.
UNSCOM’s work was to be implemented in three stages, which sometimes overlapped. First, UNSCOM was to conduct inspections to assess Iraq’s chemical, biological, and missile capabilities. Second, the commission was to collect, remove, and dispose of any weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles, and related facilities. Third, UNSCOM was to conduct long-term monitoring to verify Iraq’s compliance with its obligation to not reacquire banned capabilities. For the first two stages, UNSCOM launched more than 250 inspection missions to Iraq. The commission, however, never implemented the third stage.
On the basis of gaps in the weapons inspectors’ inventory of Iraqi weapons, UNSCOM demanded an explanation about 550 artillery shells filled with mustard gas, which Baghdad claimed had been lost after the Gulf War. The commission also insisted that Iraq report on the fate of 500 aerial bombs that contained chemical and biological agents. Iraq refused to respond to those inquiries, which were later taken up by UNSCOM’s successor, the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein accused UNSCOM of serving as a cover for U.S. spies. Iraqi government officials resented the UNSCOM inspections as an interference in Iraq’s internal affairs and continually obstructed searches by UNSCOM investigators, deceiving them through false statements and documents. Inspectors were subjected to physical threats and psychological intimidation by the Iraqis. In one instance, UNSCOM inspectors had to chase Iraqi trucks hauling electromagnets away from a military base while guards on the trucks discharged small arms over the heads of the inspectors.
Iraq provided to UNSCOM only a portion of its weapons stocks and reportedly retained the production capability and documentation necessary to revive weapons programs when possible. Iraq was also widely suspected of concealing the full extent of its chemical-weapons program, including a VX nerve-agent project. In 1997 Iraq barred UNSCOM inspectors from sites declared to be sovereign presidential palaces. Many of those sites were actually large compounds capable of storing weapons material.
In December 1998 UNSCOM inspectors were evacuated from Iraq on the eve of a U.S. and U.K. bombing campaign. Subsequently, Iraq did not allow UNSCOM investigators to resume their work. Iraq’s failure to cooperate caused deep divisions within the UN Security Council, which weakened UNSCOM’s political mandate. The council could lift UN economic sanctions against Iraq only after the inspectors declared Iraq free of weapons of mass destruction, which it could not do if it was barred from making further inspections. Finally, in December 1999 the Security Council agreed to form a new inspection agency, UNMOVIC, which would maintain political neutrality by being made up of UN employees.