Caquetío, Indians of northwestern Venezuela living along the shores of Lake Maracaibo at the time of the Spanish conquest. They moved inland to avoid enslavement by the Spaniards but were eventually destroyed as were their neighbours, the Quiriquire and the Jirajara.
The Caquetío and the Jirajara spoke an Arawakan language, and their cultures were quite similar. They were intensive farmers, growing their staple foods—corn (maize), sweet potatoes, and manioc—in irrigated fields. They also hunted extensively and gathered cactus fruits and other wild plants. Their villages of thatched huts were laid out in rows and blocks of two to four houses each. Clothing consisted of a small genital covering, various ornaments, and body paint. The major craft was pottery; weaving was of little importance because so little clothing was worn. Little is known of their social and political organization except that there were various chiefs and apparently a class of nobles who may have practiced polygyny. They worshiped the Sun and the Moon, and human sacrifices were apparently made to them. Each family also worshiped its household idols.