12th-Grade Vocabulary Quiz
- Question: superfluous
- Answer: The word superfluous means “exceeding what is sufficient or necessary.” Usage example: “cleared off all the superfluous stuff on his desk to make room for the new computer.”
- Question: enervate
- Answer: The word enervate means “to lessen the vitality or strength of.” Usage example: “a lifetime of working in dreary jobs had enervated his very soul.”
- Question: zealot
- Answer: A zealot is a fanatical partisan. Usage example: “a religious zealot.”
- Question: anachronism
- Answer: The word anachronism means “an error in chronology.” Usage example: “found several anachronisms in the movie.”
- Question: evanescent
- Answer: The word evanescent means “tending to vanish like vapor.” Usage example: “beauty that is as evanescent as a rainbow.”
- Question: ephemeral
- Answer: The word ephemeral means “lasting a very short time.” Usage example: “ephemeral pleasures.”
- Question: amicable
- Answer: The word amicable means “characterized by friendly goodwill.” Usage example: “an amicable agreement.”
- Question: clairvoyant
- Answer: The word clairvoyant means “able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception.” Usage example: he “claims to be clairvoyant.”
- Question: ostentatious
- Answer: The word ostentatious means “attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness.” Usage example: “an ostentatious display of wealth/knowledge.”
- Question: haughty
- Answer: The word haughty means “blatantly and disdainfully proud.” Usage example: “haughty aristocrats.”

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