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(A Music) Man’s Best Friend

Question: What instrument is musician Carlos Santana famous for playing?
Answer: Mexican-born American guitarist Carlos Santana’s music combines rock, jazz, blues, and Afro-Cuban rhythms with a Latin sound.
Question: With which musical instrument is Antonio Stradivari associated?
Answer: Antonio Stradivari and his descendants are the artists who make the famed Stradivarius violins.
Question: Which of these groups is associated with synthesizer or electronic music?
Answer: The German group Kraftwerk is often credited with being the pioneers of the electronic genre. Most of their songs use synthesizers.
Question: What instrument is Ravi Shankar famous for playing?
Answer: Ravi Shankar, an Indian musician and composer, is famed for his skill with the sitar.
Question: Which of these keyboard players was famed for playing the synthesizer?
Answer: Rick Wakeman, a pioneer in "progressive rock," was adept at the synthesizer.
Question: What instrument did Pablo Casals play?
Answer: Pablo Casals (1876–1973) was a Spanish-born cellist and conductor. He is known not only for his prodigious musical talents but also for his dedication to world peace and faith in the human spirit.
Question: For what instrument did Frederic Chopin principally compose?
Answer: Chopin, the Polish-born French composer, wrote most of his compositions for piano.
Question: Who was the unofficial member of the Rolling Stones who played piano on many of the band’s recordings?
Answer: Ian Stewart, played on many of the early Rolling Stones albums and sometimes performed in concert with the band, but was never listed as an official member of the band.