Africa’s Physical Features

Question: Kilimanjaro
Answer: Kilimanjaro, a volcanic massif, is located in northeastern Tanzania, near the Kenyan border.
Question: Cape Verde Peninsula
Answer: The Cape Verde Peninsula, the westernmost point of the African continent, is located in west-central Senegal.
Question: Ngorongoro Crater
Answer: The Ngorongoro Crater, an extinct volcanic caldera in the Eastern (Great) Rift Valley, is located in northern Tanzania.
Question: Kalahari
Answer: The Kalahari is a desert that occupies almost all of Botswana, the eastern third of Namibia, and part of South Africa.
Question: Mount Kenya
Answer: Mount Kenya is a volcano located in central Kenya, immediately south of the Equator.
Question: Jos Plateau
Answer: The Jos Plateau, a tableland noted for its high bounding scarp and bare grassland, is located in central Nigeria.
Question: Atlas Mountains
Answer: The Atlas Mountains run through three of the countries in the Maghrib: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.
Question: Olduvai Gorge
Answer: Olduvai Gorge, a steep-sided ravine and a paleoanthropological site, is located in northern Tanzania.
Mount Kenya in Mount Kenya National Park is the highest mountain in Africa. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Giant Lobelia in foreground.  (Mt. Kenya; Mt. Kenya National Park;  mountains; rugged mountain; African geography, African landscape, stratovolcano)
Geography & Travel

Africa’s Physical Features

8 Questions