Antonyms and Synonyms
- Question: What is a synonym for "frugal?"
- Answer: A person who is frugal is careful in the management of money. So is a person who is economical.
- Question: What is a synonym for "noxious"?
- Answer: Something noxious is harmful to living beings, as is something unhealthy.
- Question: What is a synonym for "reverberate"?
- Answer: To reverberate means to send back a sound by the reflection of sound waves. To echo means the same, making the words synonymous.
- Question: What is an antonym for "terminate"?
- Answer: To terminate something means to bring it to an end—the opposite, or antonym, of the word "begin."
- Question: What is an antonym for "coarse"?
- Answer: If a substance is coarse, it may be rough in texture or made up of large particles. The opposite term would be fine, which means "consisting of very small particles."
- Question: What is a synonym for "jejune"?
- Answer: Jejune means causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; boring has a similar meaning, which makes it a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "endemic"?
- Answer: If something is nonnative, it is living or growing in a place that is not the location of its natural occurrence. Endemic means the opposite: belonging or native to a particular people or country.
- Question: What is an antonym for "dismantle"?
- Answer: Dismantle means "to take apart." An antonym is an opposite term, so the opposite would be assemble, which means "to put together."
- Question: What is a synonym for "heretic"?
- Answer: A heretic differs in opinion from an accepted belief or doctrine. Nonconformist has a similar meaning, making it a synonym for heretic.
- Question: What is a synonym for "vacillate"?
- Answer: To vacillate is to waver or show uncertainty about the right course of action, which is similar to the meaning of "hesitate" (to hold back in doubt or indecision).
- Question: What is a synonym for "diaphanous"?
- Answer: Diaphanous means "thin and easy to see through," as does sheer.
- Question: What is a synonym for "jocular"?
- Answer: Jocular means "jolly"; jovial has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is an antonym for "docile"?
- Answer: Docile means "easily taught." One antonym for the word is defiant, which means "showing a disposition to challenge or resist."
- Question: What is a synonym for "fruitless"?
- Answer: Unsuccessful means "not meeting with or producing success"; fruitless means the same.
- Question: What is a synonym for "peevish"?
- Answer: To be peevish is to be marked by ill temper. Grouchy has a similar meaning, which makes it a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "thwart"?
- Answer: To thwart something means to oppose or prevent it. Encouraging something is the opposite.
- Question: What is an antonym for "trenchant"?
- Answer: Trenchant means "keen" or "sharp"—the opposite of dull.
- Question: What is a synonym for "sagacious"?
- Answer: To be wise is to be marked by deep understanding and keen discernment. To be sagacious means the same, making the words synonymous.
- Question: What is a synonym for "noticeable"?
- Answer: Something noticeable is easily seen. So is something that is conspicuous, making that word a synonym.
- Question: What is a synonym for "unequivocal"?
- Answer: Something that is unequivocal is clear and unquestionable; so, too, is something that is unambiguous.
- Question: What is a synonym for "faux pas?"
- Answer: A faux pas is an embarrassing error or mistake. Gaffe has a similar meaning, making it a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "pompous"?
- Answer: Humble is one opposite term for pompous, which means "arrogant."
- Question: What is a synonym for "coagulate"?
- Answer: To coagulate means "to cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass." To clot means something similar, making the word a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "arduous"?
- Answer: Something that is arduous requires much effort. Therefore, something arduous is not easy.
- Question: What is an antonym for "poignant"?
- Answer: Something that is unaffecting does not evoke a strong emotional response; it is the opposite of poignant, which means "deeply affecting" or touching.
- Question: What is a synonym for "wane"?
- Answer: To wane means to decrease in size, extent, or degree, making "decrease" a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "ingenuous"?
- Answer: An ingenuous person shows innocent simplicity and candidness, and thus is the opposite of dishonest.
- Question: What is a synonym for "moist"?
- Answer: Moist means slightly wetted, as a towel might be after you take a shower. Damp has a similar meaning, making it a synonym.
- Question: What word is synonymous with "boredom"?
- Answer: Ennui is a French word borrowed by English. It means boredom. Another form of the same word, but with a different meaning, is "annoy."
- Question: What is a synonym for "vexation"?
- Answer: Vexation means "irritation." Annoyance has a similar meaning, making the two words synonyms of each other.
- Question: What is a synonym for "squalid"?
- Answer: Squalid means "severely lacking in cleanliness." Grimy has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is an antonym for "tame"?
- Answer: Tame means to be domesticated or docile—the opposite of savage.
- Question: What is a synonym for "languid"?
- Answer: Languid means sluggish or lacking bodily energy; listless has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is a synonym for "incongruous"?
- Answer: Incongruous means "not being in agreement or harmony." Clashing has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is an antonym for "vigorous?"
- Answer: Sluggish means "averse to activity or exertion." It is one antonym for vigorous, which means "full of physical or mental strength or active force."
- Question: What is an antonym for "dawdle"?
- Answer: To dawdle means to spend time idly or move slowly, whereas hastening indicates moving quickly. Thus, the words are antonyms of each other.
- Question: What is a synonym for "emaciated"?
- Answer: Gaunt means "excessively thin." Emaciated has a similar meaning, making the two words synonyms of each other.
- Question: What is a synonym for "ratify"?
- Answer: To ratify is to confirm or formally sanction something. Approve has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is a synonym for "dismal"?
- Answer: Bleak means "depressing," making it a synonym for dismal, which has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is a synonym for "crude"?
- Answer: A crude material or substance is found in nature and is unaltered by cooking or processing. Raw has a similar meaning, making it a synonym.
- Question: What is a synonym for "zeal"?
- Answer: Zeal means "eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something." Fervor has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is an antonym for "rapture"?
- Answer: Rapture describes a feeling of great joy. An opposite feeling is depression, making the word an antonym.
- Question: What is a synonym for "fertile"?
- Answer: Something fecund is fertile or fruitful, such as "a fecund garden."
- Question: What is a synonym for "abhor"?
- Answer: Abhor means "to dislike strongly"—the same meaning as loathe.
- Question: What is an antonym for "blistering"?
- Answer: Blistering means "extremely intense or severe"—the opposite of moderate.
- Question: What is a synonym for "concur"?
- Answer: To concur means to agree or approve.
- Question: What is an antonym for "terse"?
- Answer: Terse means "using few words"; therefore, its opposite is wordy.
- Question: What is an antonym for "mollify"?
- Answer: To mollify means "to soothe," making it the opposite of enrage, which means "to anger."
- Question: What is a synonym for "placid"?
- Answer: Placid means "serenely free of interruption or disturbance." Calm has a similar meaning, making it a synonym.
- Question: What is an antonym for "abundant"?
- Answer: Scarce means "rare" or "not plentiful." It is one antonym, or opposite term, for abundant, which means "plentiful."
- Question: What is a synonym for "vilify"?
- Answer: Vilify and defame both mean "to make untrue and harmful statements about."
- Question: What is a synonym for "exhilarate"?
- Answer: To thrill means to cause someone to experience a strong feeling of enjoyable excitement. Exhilarate has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is an antonym for "altruistic"?
- Answer: To be altruistic is to have an unselfish concern for the welfare of others—the opposite of selfish.
- Question: What is a synonym for "candor"?
- Answer: If someone is admired for her candor, it means that she is admired for her honest and unreserved expression, otherwise known as her forthrightness.
- Question: What is a synonym for "influence"?
- Answer: Influence indicates the power to cause an effect or direct the thinking or behavior of others; clout has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is a synonym for "outlandish"?
- Answer: Outlandish means "strikingly out of the ordinary." Bizarre has a similar meaning.
- Question: What is a synonym for "proponent"?
- Answer: A proponent is someone who argues in favor of something. So is an advocate, making that word a synonym.

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