Challenging Words You Should Know Vocabulary Quiz
- Question: Often used to describe “the march of time,” what does inexorable mean?
- Answer: Inexorable means “not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped.”
- Question: Responding to an invitation with alacrity means…
- Answer: Alacrity means “promptness in response” and “cheerful readiness.”
- Question: What can you expect from an indefatigable worker?
- Answer: Indefatigable means “incapable of being fatigued”—i.e., “untiring.”
- Question: In which of these professions is it advantageous to be bellicose?
- Answer: Bellicose means “favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars” and shares the Middle English root bellum (“war”) with words such as belligerent and antebellum.
- Question: Parents might call their children indolent after the children…
- Answer: Indolent means “habitually lazy.” Things that might suggest laziness, such as a sigh, or things that make someone feel lazy, such as heat, can also be described as indolent.
- Question: Which of these might cause a politician to be in an imbroglio?
- Answer: Imbroglio is defined as “an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding” or, more simply, “a scandal.”
- Question: Which of these best describes someone who is supine?
- Answer: Supine means “lying on the back.” The opposite position, lying face down, is called prone.
- Question: Originally a food word, pabulum is also used to describe writing that is…
- Answer: Pabulum first referred to any nourishment consumed by plants or animals. After a highly nutritious but bland baby food began using the similar sounding brand name Pablum, pabulum gained a new meaning: “insipid, simplistic, or bland.”
- Question: A doctor who is dilatory is likely to…
- Answer: Dilatory means “tardy.”
- Question: Which of these is most likely to display profligacy?
- Answer: Profligate means “wildly extravagant.”
- Question: Which of these would a mountebank try to sell you?
- Answer: A mountebank is "a boastful unscrupulous pretender." The term combines the Italian words for “mount” and “bench,” referring to platforms where charlatans would sell snake oil.
- Question: Someone might be called pusillanimous if he or she has…
- Answer: Despite its meaning “lacking courage and resolution,” pusillanimous is not related to pussycat or pussyfoot.
- Question: By definition, someone who is gormless lacks what?
- Answer: Used chiefly in British English, gormless is a synonym for “stupid.”
- Question: Getting an imprimatur from your boss means you are…
- Answer: A synonym for the word approval, imprimatur literally means "let it be printed" in New Latin.
- Question: Which of these best describes a diaphanous blouse?
- Answer: Meaning “characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through” diaphanous comes from the Greek word phainein (“to show”), a root it shares with words such as epiphany and emphasis.
- Question: If you meet someone who is winsome, by definition the person would be…
- Answer: Winsome comes from the Old English wynn, meaning “joy” and is not related to win, meaning “victory.”
- Question: A violinist who gave a perfunctory performance played the music in what way?
- Answer: Perfunctory means “mechanical” or “lacking in interest or enthusiasm.” It comes from the Latin perfungi, meaning “get through with."
- Question: Taken from the Greek name for the constellation Ursa Minor, cynosure means…
- Answer: Ursa Minor contains the North Star. As sailors used the North Star for navigation, cynosure came to mean “a center of attraction or attention.”
- Question: Derived from the name for a type of circus performer who would jump from horse to horse, desultory means…
- Answer: Synonymous with words such as aimless and erratic, desultory means “marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose.” Ancient circus performers, called desultors, would leap between horses without stopping, and a desultory conversation leaps from topic to topic with no real direction.
- Question: Often used during jury selection, peremptory means…
- Answer: Peremptory means “putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay.” During jury selection each lawyer has a certain number of peremptory challenges, allowing them to dismiss a potential juror without assigning cause.

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