Exploring Latin American History

Question: For whom was Bolivia named?
Answer: Bolivia was named for Simón Bolívar, who is known as the George Washington of South America. Bolívar led wars of independence against Spain in the 19th century.
Question: What did the Maya and Egyptian civilizations not have in common?
Answer: The Maya Indians of Central America did not mummify their dead. Like the Egyptians, they had writing, kings, and pyramids.
Question: What country was not part of the historic country of Gran Colombia?
Answer: Gran Colombia was made up of Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. It was formed during the 19th-century wars of liberation against Spain. It later disintegrated.
Question: Which nation established the first European settlements in Belize?
Answer: The earliest European settlements in Belize were established by British loggers in the 1600s. Because Spain claimed sovereignty over the region, Spanish settlers repeatedly attacked the British.
Question: Which of these peoples ruled over ancient Mexico?
Answer: The Aztecs ruled over most of what is present-day Mexico for several hundred years. Their empire fell with the Spanish conquest of 1521.
Question: Which of these men lived in South America?
Answer: In the early 1500s, Spanish conquistadores heard tales of an Amazonian king who regularly coated his body with gold dust. The Spaniards called him El Dorado, "the gilded one."
Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza and the Wall of Skulls (Tzompantli). Ruined ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza located in southeastern Mexico. UNESCO World Heritage site.
World History

Exploring Latin American History

6 Questions