Famous Faces of War
- Question: What was Mata Hari’s occupation?
- Answer: Mata Hari, the World War I spy, was renowned for her dancing skills.
- Question: What animals did Hannibal use in invading Italy?
- Answer: Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, brought war elephants when he invaded Italy in 218 BCE.
- Question: Which country did Alexander the Great not conquer?
- Answer: Alexander the Great ruled over a Greek empire that extended around the eastern Mediterranean Sea all the way to India. It did not go far north, however, and certainly not all the way to Sweden.
- Question: Who was the U.S. commander at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?
- Answer: In June 1876 George Armstrong Custer and his soldiers fought a group of Native Americans consisting of Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho. Custer and all his men died in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
- Question: What country did General Douglas MacArthur refer to when he said, "I shall return"?
- Answer: General MacArthur was driven from the Philippines in 1942 by advancing Japanese troops. He promised to return—and did.
- Question: What Carthaginian general invaded ancient Italy?
- Answer: Hannibal, the Carthaginian general and diplomat, invaded Italy in 218 BCE.
- Question: What are the leaders of the American Revolution called?
- Answer: The leaders of the American Revolution are collectively called "the founding fathers." George Washington is called "the father of his country."

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