Fit for a King (or Queen): the British Royalty Quiz
- Question: In 1917 the British royal family changed its name to Windsor because their old name…
- Answer: The former royal family name, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, was replaced because of widespread anti-German sentiment during World War I. The family has been the house of Windsor ever since.
- Question: After King Charles III, Prince William is next in line for the British throne. Who is after him?
- Answer: As the first child born of the heir apparent, Prince George is set to become king following his father, Prince William.
- Question: The only British king to willingly abdicate, Edward VIII, left the throne because…
- Answer: Edward’s love affair with the American divorcée Wallis Warfield Simpson was considered unseemly by many of Britain’s upper crust. He left the throne to marry her, making his brother (Queen Elizabeth II’s father) king.
- Question: Before marrying Prince Charles in 1981, Lady Diana Spencer had what job?
- Answer: Lady Diana worked with small children at a fashionable preschool in the Pimlico area of London before becoming a full-time royal.
- Question: British monarchs have frequently celebrated what occasion two different times a year?
- Answer: In 1748 George II decided that his November birthday was too cold for a proper celebration. He made his official birthday the second Sunday in June, to coincide with a military parade. Since then, monarchs born in chillier months have taken advantage of the double birthday.
- Question: The male heir to the British throne is traditionally given what title?
- Answer: The title “prince of Wales” was first bestowed on the British heir apparent in 1301. After King Edward I conquered Wales and executed its last native prince, he gave the title to his own son Edward II.
- Question: Queen Victoria helped popularize what fashion trend?
- Answer: Most women of the mid-19th century were wed in whatever happened to be their finest gown, or they bought one fit for wearing again. Queen Victoria’s white lace wedding dress was quickly copied by other royalty and, as wealth increased and textile costs dropped, common people.
- Question: True or false: The reigning British monarch does not need a passport to travel overseas.
- Answer: Since British passports (and drivers’ licenses) are issued in the name of His (or Her) Majesty, the ruling monarch is not required to have one.
- Question: Members of what religion are expressly forbidden from becoming monarch of Britain?
- Answer: Following the removal of the Catholic ruler James II from the throne, in 1689 Parliament passed an act removing Catholics from the line of succession. The rule is still in effect today.
- Question: In Britain, which of these animals are by default owned by the monarch?
- Answer: Mute swans were once a status symbol and a rare delicacy. In the 1500s Queen Elizabeth I claimed all swans that were not already owned and marked as such. She also claimed “royal fish” (sturgeons, whales, and porpoises).
- Question: Which of these objects is included in the crown jewels used in the coronation of British monarchs?
- Answer: The Coronation Spoon is used to anoint new monarchs with holy oil. When the monarchy was overthrown in the 17th century, almost all of the original crown jewels were destroyed (later replaced when the monarchy was restored). The spoon is the only original remaining piece.
- Question: Why did King Henry VIII start the Church of England?
- Answer: King Henry VIII blamed his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, for their inability to produce a male heir and wanted an annulment. When the pope would not grant one, Henry VIII broke with the Catholic church and established an independent church. Today the British monarch is still the supreme governor of the Church of England.
- Question: What British monarch suffered bouts of madness during the turn of the 19th century?
- Answer: George III faced enormous stress during his reign, from familial anxieties to losing the American colonies. He suffered bouts of madness periodically, eventually becoming permanently deranged. His wife, Queen Charlotte, became his guardian, and their son became regent, taking on royal duties.
- Question: The Lancaster and York branches of the royal family battled for control of the throne during what decades-long conflict?
- Answer: The Wars of the Roses were named for the symbols associated with each family—the white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster. Author George R.R. Martin has cited these conflicts as a source of inspiration for his Song of Ice and Fire book series—which in turn inspired the Game of Thrones television series.
- Question: In 1923 the future Queen Consort Elizabeth began the tradition of doing what with her wedding bouquet?
- Answer: Similar to the United States’ Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the grave of the Unknown Warrior is a memorial to British soldiers who fell during World War I. Elizabeth’s brother Fergus Bowes-Lyon was killed in 1915 during the Battle of Loos.

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Chris Jackson—AFP/Getty Images