Historical USA

Question: Which U.S. state capital is named for an explorer of the American West?
Answer: Carson City, the capital of Nevada, is named after the explorer Christopher "Kit" Carson.
Question: In which state was Henry Ford’s original motor works located?
Answer: Henry Ford established his automobile factory outside Detroit, Michigan, in the early 20th century.
Question: What is the oldest city in the United States?
Answer: The oldest continuous settlement in North America, St. Augustine is the seat of St. Johns County, on Florida’s Atlantic coast.
Question: In which city would you find Jackson Square?
Answer: Jackson Square is a plaza that lies before the cathedral in the old French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Question: Which religious group is associated with the founding of Pennsylvania?
Answer: Pennsylvania was settled by Quakers, who worship God directly without help from priests or any organized body of churchgoers. They also have a long tradition of working for peace and opposing war.
Question: In what year did Hawaii become a state?
Answer: Hawaii became an American state in 1959. It was the last state to be admitted into the United States.
Question: In which state is Harvard University located?
Answer: Harvard University is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a city bordering Boston.
Question: Which Massachusetts town is famed for witchcraft trials in the late 1600s?
Answer: Salem, Massachusetts, was the site of numerous witchcraft trials in the late 17th century.
Illustration. Montage of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Constitution of the United States and headshots of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
World History

Historical USA

8 Questions