History of Christianity Quiz
- Question: Which early Christian theologian eliminated from theology the belief in a coming kingdom of God on earth?
- Answer: At the beginning of the 5th century AD, St. Augustine, perceiving the danger of apocalyptic millennialism, developed new and more stringent ways to oppose it. Augustine argued that neither history nor chronology can be interpreted apocalyptically and that the millennium was not a future event but one that had already been set in motion by Christ. This interpretation radically reoriented Christian eschatology and eliminated from Christian theology the belief in a coming kingdom of God on earth. This ban on millennial thought so dominated the “official” theological writings of the early Middle Ages that most modern historians think that it disappeared entirely from Latin Christendom.
- Question: Who is the patron saint of Scotland?
- Answer: One of the Twelve Apostles and the brother of St. Peter, St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland (and of Russia).
- Question: Which early Christian work emphasized the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge acquired through divine revelation?
- Answer: The apocryphal Gospel of Thomas (written in the mid-2nd century AD) is a “sayings” Gospel (114 sayings attributed to Jesus, without narrative) grounded in Gnosticism, the philosophical and religious movement of the 2nd century AD that stressed the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge acquired by divine revelation.
- Question: What event that culminated in 1605 strengthened anti-Roman Catholic feelings in England?
- Answer: The Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy of English Roman Catholics to blow up Parliament and King James I, his queen, and his eldest son on November 5, 1605. The leader of the plot, Robert Catesby, together with his four co-conspirators were angered by James’s refusal to grant more religious toleration to Catholics.
- Question: Which movement in the history of Christianity sought to establish clerical celibacy?
- Answer: Gregorian Reform was an 11th-century religious movement associated with Pope Gregory VII (reigned 1073–85). The reform’s main concerns were the moral integrity and independence of the clergy. One of the most important issues for the reformers was clerical celibacy.
- Question: Which Christian missionary to Scotland is said to have carried out widespread conversions among the Celts?
- Answer: St. Ninian is generally credited as the first Christian missionary to Scotland. The two primary historical sources about Ninian’s life and work are of dubious reliability. But, historically, there is little doubt that Ninian carried out his mission in Scotland, although there is some confusion about the areas that he visited.
- Question: Which Christian tribe was prominent in ancient Arabia during the 5th century?
- Answer: The Ṣāliḥ were a Christian tribe in ancient Arabia that was prominent during the 5th century.
- Question: Which Christian saint wrote an account of her suffering that was influential for centuries after?
- Answer: Perpetua was a Christian martyr who wrote what became The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, a journal recounting her trial and imprisonment that was continued by a contemporary who described Perpetua’s death. Her text is one of the rare surviving documents written by a woman in the ancient world.
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