Off With His Head Quiz
- Question: Henry VII declared himself king of England after killing which previous ruler?
- Answer: Henry VII declared himself king by just title of inheritance and by the judgment of God in battle, after slaying Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.
- Question: Chinese rebel Zhu Wen was murdered by his eldest son five years after proclaiming himself the first emperor of which dynasty?
- Answer: Five years after proclaiming himself the first emperor of the Hou Liang dynasty, Chinese rebel Zhu Wen was murdered by his eldest son, who succeeded him as ruler. Zhu Wen had murdered the previous emperor Zhaozong and all of his sons in 904—which the exception of a 13-year-old boy who Zhu controlled as a pupper ruler before forcing him to abdicate to Zhu favour in 908.
- Question: Which of the Zulu chief Shaka’s family members were involved in his murder in 1828?
- Answer: Two of Shaka’s half brothers, Dingane and Mhlangana, together with an induna named Mbopa, murdered him in September 1828.
- Question: Which Roman emperor was condemned to die on the cross and under the whip?
- Answer: The Senate condemned Nero to die a slave’s death: on a cross and under the whip. According to Suetonius, Nero escape his fate by stabbing himself in the throat with a dagger; another version holds that he escaped to the Greek islands, but was recognized the following year by the govenor and his sentence was completed.
- Question: Which of Ramses III’s family members plotted to assassinate him and place her son on the king?
- Answer: Toward the end of Ramses’ reign, one of his secondary wives, seeking to place her son on the throne, plotted to assassinate the king. In 2012 researchers announced that a CT scan on Ramses’ mummy had revealed a deep knife wound in his throat, indicating that Ramses was indeed murdered by the conspirators.
- Question: Which Roman emperor was murdered at the Palatine Games in 41CE?
- Answer: In January 41 Caligula was murdered at the Palatine Games by Cassius Chaerea, tribune of the Praetorian guard, Cornelius Sabinus, and others. Caligula’s wife Caesonia and his daughter were also put to death.
- Question: What happened to the bodies of former Russian tsar Nicholas II and his family after they were slaughtered?
- Answer: After Nicholas II and his family were slaughtered their bodies were burned, cast into an abandoned mine shaft, and then hastily buried elsewhere.
- Question: What was the method of execution for King Charles I of England?
- Answer: Charles I was beheaded on a scaffold erected outside the banqueting hall of Whitehall on the morning of Tuesday, January 30, 1649. He had been charged with high treason and “other high crimes against the realm of England.”
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