Owl Quiz

Question: True or False: Burrowing owls dig their own burrows.
Answer: Burrowing owls prefer to live in burrows built by other animals, such as prairie dogs, although the owls will sometimes do a little extra digging to expand an existing burrow.
Question: Which fictional hero has an owl named Hedwig?
Answer: In the Harry Potter books and films, owls are used to carry messages and packages.
Question: True or False: Some species of owls have one ear placed higher than the other on their skull.
Answer: This adaptation, which occurs in barn owls and some other species that hunt at night, is thought to help owls pinpoint the location of sounds. The asymmetry is not visible, because the ears are covered with feathers.
Question: If somebody calls you an owl (pöllö) in Finnish, what are they saying about you?
Answer: Although owls are a symbol of wisdom in many cultures, they’re also associated with stupidity in some cultures. In Finland, the word for “owl” also means “stupid,” possibly because owls’ wide-open eyes seem to give them a simpleminded appearance.
Question: True or False: Owls’ eyes can’t turn in their sockets.
Answer: Owls’ eyes are tube-shaped, which gives owls excellent vision but makes it impossible for the eye to move in the socket. Owls compensate by being able to rotate their heads more than 180 degrees.
Question: Where did the extinct giant owl Ornimegalonyx Oteroi live?
Answer: Ornimegalonyx lived in the late Pleistocene and stood nearly four feet (1.2 meters) tall.
Question: Which of these best describes the mating patterns of most owl species?
Answer: Owls generally pair with only one individual until one member of the pair dies. Outside of breeding season, owls tend to be solitary.
Question: According to Pliny the Elder, writing in 77 CE, were owls generally considered to be good omens or bad omens?
Answer: In his Natural History, Pliny wrote, “The horned owl is especially funereal, and is greatly abhorred in all auspices of a public nature: it inhabits deserted places, and not only desolate spots, but those of a frightful and inaccessible nature: the monster of the night, its voice is heard, not with any tuneful note, but emitting a sort of shriek. Hence it is that it is looked upon as a direful omen to see it in a city, or even so much as in the day-time.” (Natural History 10.16)
Question: True or False: Owls are closely related to hawks, eagles, and falcons.
Answer: Although owls and other birds of prey have some common features, these are thought to be the result of convergent evolution rather than common ancestry. Owls are believed to be closely related to the Caprimulgiformes (nightjars and nighthawks).
Great Grey Owl or Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa), Alaska. Wood owls, birds.

Owl Quiz

9 Questions