Pop Quiz: 18 Things to Know About Ancient Egypt
- Question: What were the main activities of the people living in prehistoric Egypt before they settled in the Nile valley?
- Answer: In prehistoric times, people in Egypt were wandering over grasslands in search of game and fresh pastures. They had no permanent home and hunted with crude stone hand axes and with bows and arrows.
- Question: What change in the environment led to the people of prehistoric Egypt moving to the Nile valley?
- Answer: In prehistoric times the land of Egypt was different from what it is today. There was abundant rain but no river delta, because the sea extended far up the Nile valley. Gradually, the rains decreased, and the grasslands dried up. The Nile began to deposit silt in the valley, and the animals went down to the valley, followed by the hunters who settled at the edge of the jungle that lined the river.
- Question: What were the first houses made of in ancient Egypt?
- Answer: The first houses were round or oval, built over a hole in the ground. The walls were made of lumps of mud, and the roofs were made of matting.
- Question: Who first united Upper and Lower Egypt?
- Answer: According to tradition, it was Menes, a king of Upper Egypt, who brought about the union of the Two Lands.
- Question: What did the king of all Egypt wear as a symbol of unity?
- Answer: The king of all Egypt wore a double crown combining the white crown of the south (Upper Egypt) with the red crown of the north (Lower Egypt).
- Question: What construction marked the beginning of Egypt's Pyramid Age?
- Answer: Imhotep, a master builder, erected Djoser's tomb, the step pyramid of Saqqarah, marking the beginning of Egypt's Pyramid Age.
- Question: Who was Egypt's first female leader to adopt the full titles and regalia of a pharaoh?
- Answer: Hatshepsut, Egypt's first great female leader, co-ruled with Thutmose III from about 1473 to 1458 bc.
- Question: What beetle-shaped amulet was popular among ancient Egyptians?
- Answer: Many people favored amulets shaped as the sacred scarab beetle, which was associated with Khepri, the god of the morning sun.
- Question: What type of paper did ancient Egyptians use for writing?
- Answer: Paperworkers used the papyrus reeds gathered from the Nile marshes to make pale yellow writing paper.
- Question: How did ancient Egyptians store their water and food?
- Answer: The ancient Egyptians stored their water and food in huge pottery jars.
- Question: What was the primary source of timber for ancient Egypt?
- Answer: The Egyptians imported cedar and cypress from Lebanon and tropical woods from Nubia, as Egypt had little timber.
- Question: Which god was considered the god of the dead in Ancient Egypt?
- Answer: Osiris, the god of the dead, was the ruler of the underworld. Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris could grant them life after death.
- Question: What was the purpose of mummification in ancient Egypt?
- Answer: Mummification was the process of preserving a dead body as a mummy because the Egyptians believed that the body must continue intact for the deceased to live in the next world.
- Question: What symbol represented the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology?
- Answer: The sun had various symbols in ancient Egyptian mythology, including the obelisk, the sacred scarab beetle, the cobra, and the sun disk.
- Question: What are the three different ways of writing used by ancient Egyptians?
- Answer: The ancient Egyptians used three different ways of writing: hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic.
- Question: When did hieroglyphic writing develop in ancient Egypt?
- Answer: Hieroglyphic writing developed out of picture writing toward the end of the prehistoric period, as pictures began to be used to express ideas with the same sounds as the names of the objects pictured.
- Question: Which period in ancient Egyptian history was the age of empire?
- Answer: he New Kingdom, which lasted from about 1539 to 1075 BC, was the age of empire in ancient Egyptian history.
- Question: Which queen was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic period?
- Answer: The Ptolemaic rule of Egypt ended with Queen Cleopatra, who was co-ruler of Egypt from 51 to 30 bc.

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